_Katinka de Jonge
___Tina Cake Line
___Atmospheric Measurement Program
___Nagele Door Nagele
___On the Shoulders of Giants
___De Buitenlanders
___Wellness Centre Future Proof
__________"Die Denken dat dat allemaal vanzelf gaat"_____________
I made a proposal for a site in Wilrijk, which circulated around an old dovecote. The proposal is developed in the context of De Meesterproef 2017, an architectural competition for the reformulation of heritage sites, and was initiated by Vlaams Bouwmeester (BE).

I decided to use the dovecote as a symbolic meeting-point to start a communication process to initiate conversations between the various players in the field, and to let them engage in a staged dialogue in the Dovecote itself. In addition, I wanted to place a large billboard alongside the A12 highway, with varying quotes from the conversations with the people involved.

Eventually this project is never realised, for the commissioner decided to put the result of the competition aside and involve an outside architect.
In relation to the proposal I made it can be seen as an ironic coincidence, as a proof of how organisations that share the same space can differ from eachother.
_______________Press/More info________________
Vlaams Bouwmeester
AG VESPA - Hof Ter Beke
Drawing of the Dovecote, Charlotte Ardui, 2017
Laureate Architectural Design: Chalotte Ardui
Laureate Artistic Design: Katinka de Jonge
Commissioned by AG VESPA
Meesterproef 2017
___We zijn naar hier gekomen
___Behold the Keyholders
___The Barbarian Citizen
Under Construction
Sketch of the proposal, 2017
___Collection of Doubts
___Encounters between voices from the other end